Reverse Mentoring
Alan Webber, co-founder of Fast Company explains reverse mentoring as:
“A situation where the old fogies in an organization realize that by the time you're in your forties and fifties, you're not in touch with the future the same way the young twenty-something's are. They come with fresh eyes, open minds, and instant links to the technology of our future".
Closes the knowledge gap between leaders and employees
For example, older employees learn social media from the younger person and the younger person learns business terminology and industry practices from the older employee.
Empowers emerging and established leaders
In today’s business environment, leaders and managers need to do more with less. Do you wish that your people were more self-reliant and took more ownership and responsibility? The Reverse Mentoring Programme will provide you practical tools and skills to help. As a result, you will support them to become more motivated, more proactive and more productive.
Brings different employee generations closer together
As Alexa Scordato, a reverse mentoring devotee states:
“We need to think about reverse mentorship and pairing young people with seasoned executives. We need to stop thinking about it as an ‘us versus them’ conversation. It’s a two-way street.”
Versatile yet effective
The good news is that reverse or reciprocal mentoring can take place within existing company mentoring programs
Encourages diverse interactivity
It doesn’t require a lot in the way of new processes, just the ability to match up employees of different generations and then encourage each team to meet regularly to exchange ideas and challenge each other
Thinking out of the box
Mentoring relationships shouldn’t be restricted to people of the same gender or who have similar backgrounds – because there’s much we can learn from people who are different from ourselves!”
Your journey starts with a confidential 30-minute informal Discovery Call to discuss your leadership development and career management needs and priorities